The 5-Minute Guide to Botox for Crow’s Feet you should know if you want to look younger
You’ve probably heard of Botox for crow’s feet and are on the lookout for the best cosmetic clinic in Toronto that will help you conduct the procedure, but here’s a guide on everything you need to know before you make the investment.
Wrinkles are often the first sign of aging and crow’s feet, which are thin lines that radiate from the outer corner of the eye are caused by repeated contractions of the facial muscles used to laugh or smile.
Botox treats crow’s feet when injected into muscles around the eyes that cause wrinkles. The process takes less than 30 minutes and the results can last over 4 months.
How Many Units of Botox do I Need To Remove Crow’s Feet?
The best results are achieved with around 8-12 units of Botox. Younger skin tends to require fewer units. Men usually need more units than women because they have stronger facial muscles, so it would be best to visit a good cosmetic clinic in Toronto to determine the ideal number of units.
How Long Does Botox For Crow’s Feet Last?
Results of Botox for Crow’s feet show in 3 days or less and these results get better after a week.
The effects of Botox are temporary and last an average of 6 months. The treatment can be repeated if you would like to maintain your results. As an added bonus, studies have shown that results obtained from Botox last longer with multiple treatments.
How Much Does Botox For Crow’s Feet Cost In Canada?
Botox costs over $10 per unit. It is important to note that prices can vary slightly or significantly, and it is dependent on location, in this case, the price quoted above is an estimate of Botox in Canada. Other factors that also affect the cost are the skill and experience of the professional conducting the procedure.
Botox Provider Near Me
For peace of mind and the best results, it’s important to always work with an experienced, reputable, and board-approved provider. You can easily search for a Cosmetic Clinic in Toronto or a Medical Spa in Toronto near you to get started.
With multiple treatments done, our professionals will help you remove the appearance of crow’s feet once you book an appointment today.
Call us at +1 905 597 6338, Begin a live chat with one of our professionals for an appointment or Message us